Tuesday, January 12, 2016


"Google recently announced it was condensing its cloud businesses into a single unit led by Diane Greene, co-founder and CEO of VMWare. Is this a new division inside of Google or Alphabet? Does it have a name? We have no idea. Starting a new division with a superstar CEO definitely seems like the same model that created Calico, Sidewalk Labs, Replicant, and Verily, but we haven't heard of a name or anything official."
Google: decimal points in URLs are a bad idea 
"Google's John Mueller answered a question on Twitter asking if it is okay to use a decimal point in your URLs, such as mysite.com/page.goes.here/. John Mueller said you surely can but he said it was a "bad idea."
Google: still no release date for Penguin 4.0

"We know Google decided to halt the release of Penguin 4.0 until after the holidays. We also know that Google is confident Penguin is good to be released this month, in January but Gary Illyes from Google is reiterating that Google won't release it until it is a 100% ready."
New privacy-focused search engine Oscobo promises to never sell or store your data
"Oscobo, founded by Fred Cornell (ex-Yahoo) and Rob Perin (ex-BlackBerry), aims to capitalize on these growing concerns around how data is shared between services, particularly by advertisers.
More to come soon.................................. These facts courtesy of Axandra.....

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