Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Joe's views

The web is changing and fast. As an SEO trained specialist, I have been in a constant battle to keep up with the big changes that hit our field almost every day. First HTML had tables, and that little command to make things blink, remember them? Then came Frames and almost every city I worked with or knew had to have them; oh they were cool. One thing happened on the way to the search engines, though; oh boy, they did not like frames. Then came Flash - wow, was that cool or what, and it really looked nice and flashy. Once again someone forgot to clear it with Google and Yahoo and MSN who once again said ohhhhhh no. Every time we turned around the SEO field scrambled and did work arounds. Creation of mini mirror gateway pages helped as did linking. Now we have CSS and this finally seems like the holy grail because the main search engines have blessed this form of programming, at least for now, and I highly recommend you use it. But, remember, that just because you create a web site and use CSS, that isn't enough. You really should hire a professional company that understands both web creation _*and *_web marketing. The proper key word phrases need to be in the HTML code as well as many other details that can make or break a web marketing campaign. By hiring, we can help tremendously with your website ranking in the main search engines.

In closing, offers a turn key solution: Creating your web page, providing regular support, and submission to the search engines and directories. Call us today at 913-533-4098 or e-mail me at