Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Plan your work work your plan

More about sales and planning. it is important that you set reasonable goals for yourself. Remember that Rome was not built in a day and either will your business or sales success.  I made a call on a couple building a business basically from scratch and of course they were excited. The couple had products, they had a targeted area to attack and now they were working on a web site to sell their products.  The problem was potentially initial unrealistic expectation,. the thought that you might make tens of thousands of sales immediately can happen but I have rarely seen it. Set reasonable goals, go after those goals then attack it wisely. Slow steady growth is attainable and it will allow you to adapt to the curve balls thrown at you.  If you can find a mentor to talk to to bounce ideas off of and then weigh the advice and if you like it use that advice it can be useful. Listen to those who have already travled the hard road and know that you too will learn and sometimes not so nicely. But if  you listen and plan and execute the plan you might just be surprised at what life will send you.

More to come soon...


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