Friday, February 22, 2013

More on social media

Description: We have read many things about how to go social or how to engage with customers on social media sites, how to develop and gain customer insights. But this blog goes other way which says what you should not go for social networking sites. This doesn’t mean that there is anything wrong being on the social media sites. But it is just for the sake of your company reputation; coz everything has pros and cons. So here take a look at them of what should be avoided while being an extra social creature on web – Messages – When writing up a message like on Facebook and Twitter, makes sure the correct words are being with an easy derived meaning. Even if someone has posted negative comments on your wall posts or account, don’t reply in a same manner. Wall Posts – Use formal words in communication when posting up on a wall and when at the time of tweeting. It should not look like an individual is replying to a friend. Of course one can use some informal words but it should go in a decent way. Activities – Whatever you do whether it’s an update or a video it should not go beyond your company profile subject. It is because of the only reason that every company has a purpose of being in existence, so the activities especially when it’s online should not go out of context. Event parties – Give personal messages when inviting users on any event or on a official party, so that may prevent you from unnecessary guests. New Project Plans – Don’t buzz your new business plans and project work whether small or big on social media sites. That might lead to attention from rivals. Current Work Status – Rivals should not get an idea what your current status is on any of the running projects. Issues with Clients or Partners – Avoid any kind sarcastic or any negative comments related to any conflicts with clients or partners. Pictures and Videos – Posting personal pictures and videos are not recommended on individual accounts, coz it may lead to unauthorized and scam use. Do not Fake – Posting or commenting something about your company which is not true can easily be caught and might damage the company reputation on a big level. Crisis – If social media can lead you to crisis, it can also give many ways to cope with the crisis. I have written this with the only sole purpose that watch out your words when online; like saying be careful when speaking in public. All above points goes in only one direction that one should be vigilant on web. Arifa Raj The author is a business researcher with CheckBuzz, a social media monitoring company. 

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