Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Web site fun facts

Can you guess the number of websites online today? Well, we are a tad below 1 Billion mark. As of now, there are 945,357,100 websites online (excluding the number of inactive websites)

There are more devices in this world that are connected to the Internet than there are number of human beings living on Earth.

The launch of Mosaic web browser in 1993 is today considered to the turning point for the Web. Mosaic is today credited for making the Web popular. ( I used this browser).

Several names were suggested for the finalized project (The Project – refer to point number 5). Information Mine, Mine of Information, Information Mesh and World Wide Web were the suggested names and the final one was selected over the other names.

Jean Armour Polly was the person to coin the term ‘surfing the Internet’. He came up with the term in 1992.

The Web or the Internet (whatever you prefer calling it) became world’s fastest growing medium of communication. It took only 5 years for the web to achieve first 50 million users as opposed to 13 years required by television and 38 years required by radio. ( I wonder what will be the next great leap forward? I think the mind interface)

Google didn’t really come up with gmail. was in fact a free email service offered by Garfield (the famous cartoon cat character). Google simply acquired gmail.

OK more facts to come soon!

Joe Rossini

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