Tuesday, April 4, 2017

A BDS Security alert

I hate to say it but maybe the secret camera in the microwave or tv might just be true!!!!!!

Today's Security Tip:

IoT, Internet of Things, devices in the workplace can make tasks easier. Just like how an IoT device at home makes your life more convenient. But can an IoT device leave openings for an hacker to attack?

It can, as long as manufacturers keep using cheap hardware and software to connect devices to the internet. "The price of turning a dumb device into a smart device will be 10 cents," says Mikko Hyppönen, chief research officer at F-Secure.

Unfortunately, the connectivity is not always there to benefit you, the consumer. Most of the time, it will be put in to benefit the manufacturers by collecting data for analytics. If you want IoT devices in the workplace, discuss with an IT expert, like BDS, before integrating it into your network!

For tips, please visit our website at bdsNOW.com!
Smart TV Hackable Remotely

Although we all knew smart TVs could get hacked, a new attack method was found. This attack uses terrestrial radio signals to hack a wide range of smart TVs. This allows a hacker to control a large number of sets at once without having physical access.

You might be asking, "Why would a hacker want to control my TV?" For starters, they can use the TV to attack further devices in the home network or spy on the user with the TV's camera and microphone.

This exploit relies on "digital video broadcasting - terrestrial, a transmission standard that's built into a majority of TVs." In the case a TV station or network is compromised, this could affect millions of TVs.

For more information, please visit: ArsTechnica.com
Medical Washer-Disinfector Found Vulnerable

A Germany-based manufacturer disclosed that its internet-connected washer-disinfector is vulnerable to hacking. This equipment was made to clean and properly disinfect laboratory and surgical instruments.

The flaw in the IoT device allows an unauthenticated, remote attacker to access sensitive information on the server. Most likely, an attacker would be after information like usernames, passwords, and client information.

A researcher privately disclosed the vulnerability to the Germany-based manufacturer in November 2016, but did not hear back from them for more than three months. The timeline for a fix, or even if it exists, is unknown. For now, the best way to keep yourself, your company, and customers safe is to disconnect this device from the internet!

For more information, please visit: TheHackerNews.com

OK can we all imagine what those tv's are shwing someone...holy cow!!

More to come.


OH yes remember we create web sites, SEO services and more!!

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