Friday, October 28, 2016

Why do clients not listen to the professional

I often wonder why when you have years of experience that a customer refuses to listen. I hear, I can do it better or I know my products better. My company is my company and I will do it the way I want to.  Bottom line is often these people do not do it right or they get sold a bill of goods by a company that only cares about the money because they know it is only going to be a one time hit. We offer multiple months of work and we do not charge thousands of dollars and demand payment in advance. I ask you as an owner to look past the fancy numbers of a company and look at the person or company that offers you person to person contact and a desire to learn your business so as to market you better.  Remember, a company in India or even one in California does not know how you work in Kansas or Missouri.  Buy local and buy from a company that cares!

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