Friday, October 7, 2016

Sales and how to get them

This is a topic I know a lot about. After many years of sales I can tell you that I have found many ways to win and also to lose a sale. First tip is you have to be persistent. You must keep trying and go after a suspect until they become a prospect. Notice I said suspect, it is the term that I give to the almost prospect but they are not quite ready to buy but might show an interest. It is your job to turn that suspect into a prospect by using multiple time tested means.

Some of those means are simple, pick up the phone and call them. If for any reason you can not get ahold of the person how about an in person sales call.  If that does not work, how about a thank you card that basically thanks that person for their interest and ask for an appointment. Notice I will leave the last one for last, e-mail them. E-mail are not personal but they still might work.

If a prospect showed interest in a particular product then maybe you can entice them with a special or send them a brochure or I have in the past brought a customer in with me to talk to the suspect/prospect and it warms the person up, they are talking to a business person and thus not just a salesman. Be careful here you must know  your customer well and be sure to give that person something for their time and for helping you.

OK enough for now, if you like what I am saying and want to hear more please e-mail me at and tell me what you think and what you might like to hear next.

Talk soon.

Joe Rossini

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