Friday, January 25, 2013

Remember what is your true job function?

Recently I talked to a business owner and we had a great chat, we discussed many things about his business and how I could help him.  Of course as I usually do I let out some secrets as to what I would do and I have no bad feelings about it it is just me. The next day that person used some of my ideas which in a way was a tremendous form of flattery, he believed in what I had to say! My point is he told me he spent hours the next day trying to do what I do everyday.  The moral of the story is, what is your job and title? It is like that commercial on tv where the doctor comes in to pitch in a baseball game, you would not or should not want that. This person has a great company and he should be working hard to make that company work better not doing SEO.  My company for a very small fee takes that burden from you, we are professionals and we know what we are doing and we spend hours everyday working hard for our clients so they can do what they know best and that is to run their company.

If you have an interest visit and see how I can help you!

Have a great weekend!

Until Next time

Joe Rossini

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