Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Information and knowledge is king

I have seen many websites that were top notch just very very good but they produced no traction for their owners. Many ask me why this happens, why no leads, why no sales? Often times companies build and then forget their website. Many times companies put nothing into examining the information that comes from their website. How would you like to know where potential customers are going on your website? How would you like to know how long they lingered on a page such as your contacts page or specials page. It is very important to have strong reporting coming from your website and then to have someone to interpret the meaning of the information.

At Rossini.com we offer three very important reporting options: option 1 is simple reporting, the basics about the page it is the bare bones of what you should want to know. Option 2 is our advanced reporting that really gets to the nitty-gritty of reporting, where did they go, what pages did they visit, how long where they there and much more. Finally, our snooper report and this is proving to be a very popular way to get information on the companies that visit your website such as the company name, the pages they visited and the names of those that did visit. Bottom line is option 2 and 3 are great to have and will give your salesforce the added advantage they need to succeed.

Recently and more than once I gave my client names of web visitors who were really looking at the client's site and I told their marketing director and was told yes our salesperson is there now or just talked to that lead.  What my reporting confirmed is that the potential client was listening and that is a very reassuring bit of information for that salesperson to now.

I close by saying the old axiom, "knowledge is power" and we can give you that power.

More to come

Joe R

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