Thursday, June 27, 2019

Cyber security is important

This is a neat article about how to protect yourself against cyber attacks:


Definition: Cybersecurity or information technology security are the techniques of protecting computers, networks, programs and data from unauthorized access or attacks that are aimed for exploitation. ... Network security includes activities to protect the usability, reliability, integrity and safety of the network.

Why Is Cyber Security Important? ... And while companies and institutions are constantly working to protect themselves with increasing security measures, you can play a role in this fight as well. When you are aware of the risks, it may be much easier to protect yourself from hackers, viruses and malware.

What is cyber security?

So what is cybersecurity? Simply put, cybersecurity refers to the measures taken to keep systems secure. Adnan Raja, vice president of marketing for Atlantic.Net, offers a broader explanation, defining cybersecurity as the state of being protected against the criminal or unauthorized use of electronic data, or the measures taken to achieve protection.
No matter how you define it, the intent is clear—to keep information and systems accessible to only the people who should have access.

Why is cyber security so important?

Would you like your health records, bank passwords, text messages, personal emails or other private information published online or put into the hands of organized crime? Probably not, as we all have an expectation of privacy and security in our lives.
But let’s look beyond just the potential for harm to an individual. Cybercrime and security breaches are a worldwide problem with widespread costs and consequences. One McAfee report estimates cybercrime may cost the world’s economy almost $600 billion—about .8 percent of global gross domestic product (GDP).1 That’s a tremendous loss of potential and a drain on the world’s economic production.
Cybercrime isn’t just an inconvenience for businesses, but it also poses a massive national security threat. Imagine the mayhem if a hostile group launched an exploit that wreaked havoc on our electrical grid, weapons or any number of the essential systems keeping our lives humming along safely. It’s enough to keep cybersecurity professionals up at night.
Nick Santora, CEO of Curricula says it affects everyone. “As we become more and more connected to devices, the internet plays a tremendous role in making our lives better, but it also introduces unknown risks,” he explains. “From hacking vehicles, energy plants, medical equipment and bank accounts, cyber security plays a role in everyone’s lives.”
More to come! I have to give credit to many for the above but it is interesting reading and important.

Joe Rossini

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