Friday, April 3, 2015

Reporting for your website

Did you know that one of the biggest mistakes a website owner makes is to not look at the various reporting options that are available to see how the website is doing. At Market Your Business Now we use two methods both have their strengths and weaknesses. Our primary reporting is called Hitslink and I have used their reporting for years and they are reliable, give you a wealth of information such as visitors, where from, hours on site, on a page and more. This program costs a customer $15.00 per month and is well worth it. I give my customers who use it a flash report each week to let them know about their site.

Another option that is used a lot but is not as strong or as good is Google Analytics. Many companies use this because it is free. This program also ties into Google Adwords tracking so if you are doing Adwords, I recommend you use this program.

Finally, many hosting companies offer a basic reporting package to use and it is usually included in your base fee. At the very least, use this to get some idea where you are going and to determine what is working and what is not.

Remember the old saying "Knowledge is Power".

Until next time.

Joe Rossini

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