Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Robots are really growing fast

I just read that very very soon the US armed forces will be potentially using attack and defend fully autonomous robots in war situations.

I have read that because of the g forces and speeds that our new hypersonic aircraft can fly, only a robot can withstand the enormous pressures.

Certain medical procedures today are done robotically!

Thought you have heard enough? In many new large distribution facilities, robots are quickly taking over various manual functions.  No rest, no sickness, no maternity leave.  In many cases the facility is working in almost total darkness because a robot does not need to see.

What is still there and growing for man or woman is the programming of the robots. A robot has yet to be able to do its own code but I foresee this happening and in the not too distant future.

What does this mean for us all? Well, retraining is definitely a necessity. Going to school to be an English major just really wont cut it but being a programmer with good skills just might be the ticket to a very nice payday.

I will talk more about this as time goes on because it is now one of the fastest growing areas of our manufacturing economy. I believe there will always be jobs available it is just what type of jobs and how qualified can you become to get those jobs.

More to come.

Joe Rossini

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