Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Automation on all levels of life is growing

Automation, it over the centuries has been a dirty word for many. Way back the horse so necessary to go from one place to another or to help farm the land gave way grudgingly to the car. The locomotive gave way to the airplane. The old fashion printing system gave way to the big presses. The mail is or has given way to the Internet. The list goes on and on. Today we see the web being used more and more and we are seeing the rise of driverless cars. Hamburgers are being made automatically and kiosks allow you to buy a burger without a person.  Ok, I have made the point and that is life as we know it is changing. Things and work that used to require people are quickly shrinking. The big key is retraining to be able to program or guide those robots and that, for now, is the job to have.

More to come soon.


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