Monday, January 23, 2017

This has started as a weird and strange year

I do not often post any political posts here but I must. Last Saturday I joined about ten thousand others at the woman's march or rally in KC and it stunned me and made me proud. Young, old, white, black, Hispanic, native americans and a lot of females with funny stocking caps on! What made me proud was democracy and our right to protest peacefully and I mean peacefully not a single arrest not a single problem. I saw the police lined up all suited up but they looked bored and wanting to go home and that was neat. I heard speakers and saw people that were old and disabled but they were there. I remember the 60's and LBJ and the riots, I remember Earth day the very first one! We were trying way back then to help our planet. What I am saying is that we must not forget that we have a right to be watch dogs and that we must always fight to keep our freedoms no matter what the cost.  OK I will say no more I am proud to be an american and always will be.  Until next time

Joe Rossini

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