Thursday, May 23, 2013

How to get leads

I have been in this business for a long time, probably too long but one thing that I always enjoy is a referral or a lead from a customer or from my web site. How can a web site bring you leads you ask? There are several ways that a web site can work for you.  One way a web site can work for you is if you are in the search engines. How do you get in the search engines you ask, well that is another long conversation to have and I will spend some time in the future on that one subject but getting in there is not as easy as people think. You must first have a web site that has decent internal keywords and has a good description of your web site internally and also has a good title. Each one of these things are a subject by themselves and should take some time to be evaluated before your web person just puts down on the title internally web index(trust me I have seen more than once). A title should say more than just Joe Rossini web site. A good title should be short but also say a few things that the search engines will see such as Joe Rossini, Kansas City web site company.  Tell a bit more about your company and please never leave it blank.

Then there is the description area of your company web site, this again should be a quick concise description of what this web site is about.  In maybe 50 words or less tell the world what your web site is all about. Then there are keywords and there seems to be those that say we do not need keywords any longer and I say if that was the truth why does Google Adwords have all of those keywords in their program. I say what do you have to lose, put those keywords in.  Do not use general keywords, use specific long tail keywords such as web creation company Kansas City, not just web company. Be specific and think when you go to do a search do you just put in tires if you are searching for car tires???  No you put in tires for a Honda Element or you put in all radial tires for a Honda Element.  OK, I have said enough about these topics, more on these later.

How else can you get referrals or leads form that web site?  Well once you are in those search engines that is great but some one has to want to find you. I use multiple ways to get that web site working like a blog!  OK I hope you like my ramblings but some people seem to.  Also how about having a Facebook business page and then one you have it, post to it.  Have you ever used Linkedin? I think it is a great way to connect with other business in your industry.

What else can you do? I like little ads in on line newspapers and also writing articles that post in Yahoo.  Have you ever participated on Twitter? The more you are on line and around the more that people will find you and look and guess what, they may just pick up the phone and call!

It takes a lot of work to get that web page flowing with leads and my company does just that for you. Go visit and see how maybe you just might get that phone ringing and make some sales .

Until next time

Joe Rossini

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