Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A big reason to have a great web title

From Huffington Post but neat information about your web site and what it should have!

Your website's headline
Although past studies confirmed that new website visitors spend an average of seven seconds on a new website before deciding whether to engage further with the site's content or click the "Back" button, I believe this initial window has become even shorter.
As audience's become increasingly tech-savvy, they tend to know what they want and whether or not they're seeing it at first glance. For this reason, I believe a more accurate estimate falls in the range of two to four seconds.
Since you don't have much time to engage new visitors, your website's headline -- the first, most prominent piece of text these readers will see -- has to be as effective as possible. And while you can model your chosen headline off of formulas that have been proven to work in the past, an even better approach to making this content work effectively is to split test multiple options until you have a conclusive winner.

More to come from Joe!

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