Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Beware of the web MLM trap

Recently I have become aware of a new phase in the Internet web creation world and that is the MLM(multi level marketing) of web sites. These new companies offer very cheap web sites and monthly hosting fees and promise a lot. I will not dispute that they deliver some impressive web sites but like a lot of MLM marketing, it tends to rise and fall. If your web site is on one of these MLM web sites and they go out of business or just shift focus then what do you do? I say go with an established web company that does this for a living and has been around for a while. How many times have I heard that my sister's brother's mother's aunt does web pages! Bottom lin eis a web site might look great on the outside but has horrific code on the inside! The search engines do not like bad code.

Moral of the story is that a web site can be the difference now between making it or not. Choose well and pick a winner.

More later.....

Joe Rossini

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