Friday, July 19, 2019

Why your business should have a blog

There are many benefits of operating a business blog and updating it with quality content on a regular basis. Writing, publishing, and sharing blog post content is a great way to share expertise and insights about the industry in addition to sharing company updates and news. Over time, a blog can become a sort of community and can help a business establish and maintain relationships with target audience members and other stakeholders. These benefits should be enough to convince a business to operate a blog.

Become an expert. let your customers see that what you do works. Did you know that when I submit a company to the main search engines I increase visits to a web site by over 25%! Direct potential customers to your blog and tell them something about your business and why they should read the blog every time there is a new post.

Be an expert and let your customers or potential customers think more about your company and its products.

More to come soon.

Joe Rossini


keep the website “fresh”
The search engines like to see (and favor) websites that are regularly updated. It proves that there’s someone on the other end and it’s not one of the many websites out there that have essentially been abandoned by its owners. Every new blog post that’s added to the website updates the website and is a reason for the search spiders to come back and crawl and index it again.

The marketing reasons alone (create a community, become a trusted resource) should be enough incentive to operate a business blog and keep it current. But if you want to increase organic search engine traffic to your website over time, blogging is critical. An evergreen blog post can continue to drive target audience members to a website for many years.

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