Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Marketing and options on the web

Well there is a lot here so this will be done maybe over several posts.  What I want to say is if you want leads from the web I would certainly consider using Google Adwords. You will pay per click and you have to watch this but it is the fastest way to get leads.

Another way is the old fashioned way and that is to just do SEO to the organic search engines to get in the top page of Google or Bing. ((Good luck!) If you pay a service for several key words it will take several hundred to thousands of dollars a month! Yes I said hundreds or thousands per month. This can work it just takes time.  Time factor up to six months or more.

Social media like Facebook is also a quick way to get leads depending on yur product or services and it can work well but no guarentees here.

OK Part oneis done more later.


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