Friday, January 21, 2011

To do your own web site or not to do your own???

I feel strong about this one. I can not tell you how many people I have encountered that have said, I just built my own web site go take a look....yea right. Or, I am thinking about using one of those programs to build my web site what do you think Joe? Double yea right.... Bottom line, it usually comes down to Joe I don't have the money to have a pro do it for me but they never say that. I would respect people more if they told me that then I could guide them to a site like If you are a new business, I totally understand the strapped for cash game. If however you are an on going business that is looking to get more from their on line presence then I strongly recommend looking at established web companies to guide you and make sure you are going to get a bang for your buck.

You need good keywords, descriptions, titles and more. You need to submit your site to the search engines and directories. You need to do on-line pr releases and articles constantly. There is so much more to say but this is a start. If you need help just give me a call or a tweet or an e-mail.

Joe Rossini

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

PR releases do work

I did an on line press release for one of my customers not more than a few hours ago and we already have over 350 visits! I plan on doing about three more on different topics for them. Bottom line is the search engines love it and the company gets publicity!

If you have a product you wish to push or a show you are going to, let me help you publicize it. Our prices start at $200.00! Give me a call!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Is social media working?

This is a neat article that basically says that social media is maturing and is working over time!